Friday, July 25, 2008

Netopia Ter/gusb2-n Drivers

The Summer is lazy oh oh oh Ferrara

pointed out the recent events in no particular order: *

rod must be congratulated for the degree of today and the start of Monday, this time I do the stroll;

* The best performance in Ferrara under the ball was undoubtedly that of Yuppie Flu, followed by Interpol cool but adversely affected by the volume, and then put the ascoltabilisìmasoloperdueotrepezzi Notwist's latest smaronanti Deus;

* Great little sea

* Dear Ryanair,
on this

* ten things made me successful is something that half-half but it is quite an alternative: just felt I was in the air admitted to a Business School in Transylvania Transylvania ... I repeat.

696 969 Call now and be the lucky fortuanto or accompanying myself at Venice airport August 16 departure from my house around 4:15. I put the machine and pay coffee on the spot to deal with the return. Hurry, the winner could be you. Guaranteed gift from Bucharest for the first 10 calls.

Jovanotti and I warmly greet


Monday, July 21, 2008

I Cant Remove The Back Of My Stud Earing

A sparrow.

A sparrow is launched from the nest and, with few basics
received from parents, begins to explore the world. Meet a dog and asks him: 'You
who are you?' and the dog: 'I am the wolf-dog'. 'But it can not be!' replica
sparrow. 'One or dog or wolf'. and the dog patiently explains: 'My mother was a wolf
, my father a dog, they had sex and I was born,
wolf dog'. The sparrow goes a bit 'confused by a stream to drink and
here sees a fish. 'Who are you?' and the fish: 'I am the salmon trout'.
'No way! One or trout or salmon. ' and trout: 'My mother was
trout, salmon my dad, they had sex and I was born'. The bird
even more 'puzzled turns around and sees a bug,' Who are you? ' and the insect
: 'I am the tiger mosquito'. and the sparrow, 'Fuck it ...'

copyright and potato:)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mount And Blade Colour Bug

Orwell - Animal Farm - Last Chapter

Years passed. The seasons followed one another, fled the short life of animals. It was a time when no one remembered the old days before the Revolution, except Berta, Benjamin, Moses the raven, and some pigs.

Muriel was dead, Lila, Jessie and clamp were dead. Jones also was dead, dead in a house in another part of the county alcoholics. Berta was now an old mare by and large joints and hardened with a tendency to inflammation of the eyes. For two years he had passed the age limit, but in fact no animal had been put to rest. The issue of reserving a corner of a large pasture for those unable to work had long since been dropped. Napoleon was now an old boar of a ton and a half. Clarinet was so fat that his eyes were barely a crack to see. Only old Benjamin was always the same, maybe a little more gray around the muzzle and the Gondrano death, more quiet and sad. New

now be populated farm, as well the increase was not the first time to foresee. They were born many animals for which the Revolution was not a vague tradition passed from mouth to mouth, and other animals that were purchased before their arrival had never heard of it. The farm now possessed three horses over Berta. They were beautiful animals performing, willing to work and good comrades, but very stupid. None of them could read the alphabet beyond the b. They accepted everything they were told on the Revolution and the principles of the animal, especially Berta for whom I have a filial respect, but it was doubtful whether they understood some of what it said. The farm was now more prosperous and better organized. Had also been extended with two fields bought from Mr. Pilkington. The mill was finally completed successfully, the farm as his own threshing machine and elevators, and other buildings were added. Whymper had bought a wheelchair. The mill was not, however, been used to produce electricity, but for grinding grain, and made large sums of money. The animals worked tirelessly to plant another mill where, once finished, he said, would have planted the dynamite.

But the luxuries that Snowball had the dream of animals, barns with electricity and hot and cold water and three working days per week, this was not discussed more. Napoleon had condemned the idea as contrary to the principles of the animal. True happiness, he said, is to work hard and live frugally. It seemed that the farm had become short in reality richer, richer without making the animals, except of course the pigs and dogs. Perhaps this was due in part to the fact that pigs and dogs were so numerous. Not that these things did not work in their own way. Clarinet never tired of explaining what was the enormous work of supervision and organization of the farm. Much of this work was such that other animals, for their ignorance, could not understand. For example, Clarinet told them that the pigs had to work hard every day about mysterious things called "files", "relations", "logs". They were, these large sheets of paper that had to be completely covered in writing and when they were thus established were then thrown into the furnace. This was of utmost importance for the smooth running of the farm, said Clarinet. However, neither pigs nor dogs produced food, with their work and they were many and their appetite was always good.

As for the other, their lives, for they knew was what had always been: they were hungry, they slept on straw, they drank the pool, working in the fields, were suffering from the cold in winter, in summer for the flies. Sometimes the older ones are racking their brains to remember if in the early days of the Revolution, when it was recently the expulsion of Jones, things had gone better or worse. But they could not remember. They had nothing with which to compare their present life had nothing to see, if not the columns of figures with whom Clarinet invariably showed that things were getting better. The animals found the problem insoluble in any case had little time to get lost in such thoughts. Only old Benjamin said he remembered every detail of his long life and to know that things have never been, nor ever would be, much better or much worse: hunger, fatigue, disappointment being così egli diceva, la inalterabile legge della vita.

Pure gli animali non cessavano di sperare. E inoltre non perdevano mai, sia pure per un istante, il senso dell'onore e del privilegio di esser membri della Fattoria degli Animali. Era ancora l'unica fattoria in tutta la contea - in tutta l'Inghilterra! - posseduta e condotta da animali. Non uno di essi, neppure il più giovane, neppure i nuovi venuti, comprati da fattorie distanti diverse miglia, cessava di meravigliarsi di tale fatto. E quando udivano sparare il fucile e vedevano la bandiera verde sventolare in cima all'asta, il loro cuore si gonfiava di imperituro orgoglio e i discorsi volgevano sempre agli antichi, eroici giorni, alla cacciata di Jones, alla scrittura dei Sette Commandments, the great battles in which men invaders were defeated. None of the old dreams had been abandoned. The Republic of Animals, advocated by Old Major, where the green fields of England would not be trampled by human foot, it was always their faith. Would come one day, maybe it was not imminent, perhaps none of the animals now living would see her, but she would come. Even the air of Animals of England was here and there secretly sung in a low voice. It was a fact that all the farm animals knew her, well no one would dare sing in public. Could it be that their lives were hard and that not all of their hopes would be fulfilled. But they were not aware of how other animals. If they were hungry, it was not for the tyranny of man, if they worked hard, worked at least for themselves.

There was one another creature that would go on two legs. No being another being called "master." All animals are equal.

One day in early summer, Clarinet, ordered the sheep to follow him and led them to the other end of the farm, in a large land invaded by birch trees. The sheep spent the whole day to burn the leaves under the supervision of Clarinet. They went back to the farmhouse in the evening, but poié was hot, "said the sheep to stay where they were. He finished that they remained there a week during which no saw them. Clarinet was staying with them most of the day: he was teaching them, he said, a new song that was necessary isolation.

After the return of the sheep, when a lovely evening after work, the animals were returning to their stables, a terrible neighing of horses sounded in the courtyard. Startled, the animals stopped.

was the voice of Berta. She snorted again and all the animals broke into a gallop in the court. Then saw what he saw Berta.

A pig was walking on its hind legs. Yes, it was Clarinet. A little 'awkwardly, as if it were not accustomed to that position in his considerable weight, but with perfect balance, walking up and down the court. Soon after, the door of the farmhouse came a long line of pigs, all walking on its hind legs. Some did it better than others, some were still a bit 'wobbly and seemed to require the support of a stick, but all they did with success around the yard. Finally, amid a tremendous barking dogs and crowing of the cock up black, came Napoleon himself, majestically upright, casting haughty glances all'ingiro, with the dogs that were jumping around. Squeezed between the legs a whip.

There was a dead silence. Amazed, terrified, clinging together, the animals watched the long line of pigs march slowly around the courtyard. It was as if the world had overturned. Then came the moment when, after the first stunning, despite everything - despite the terror of dogs, a habit developed over many years of not ever complain, not to criticize ever - felt the temptation to utter words of protest. But at the same moment, as a given signal, all the sheep broke into a tremendous bleating "Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better. "

went on for five minutes without stopping. And when the sheep had quieted down, the possibility of protest had passed and the pigs were returned to the house. Benjamin felt a

nose rubbing against her shoulder. Looked. It was Bertha. His old eyes were misted more than ever. Without a word, pulled him gently to his mane and led him into the big barn where the Seven Commandments were written. For a moment he stood staring at the dark wall and white letters.

"My view is weakened," he said finally. "Even when I was young I could not read what was written here. But I think that the wall is another aspect. The Seven Commandments are the same as before, Benjamin? "

For once Benjamin consented to break his rule and he read what was written on the wall. There was nothing written, out of a single commandment. He said:


After that did not seem strange that the pigs that supervised the work hold whips in their paws. He did not seem strange to learn that the pigs had bought for their use a radio, they were planting a phone that had a subscription to the "John Bull" to "Tit-Bits' and 'Daily Mirror'.

did not seem strange to see Napoleon walk in the garden of the farmhouse with a pipe in his mouth, no, not even when the pigs took Mr. Jones's clothes closet and wear them and Napoleon was seen in a black jacket, trousers and leather shoes, while his sow favored wore the silk dress that Mrs. Jones wore on Sunday, even this seemed strange. A week later in the afternoon, several cars came to the farm. A deputation of farmers from the neighborhood had been invited on a tour of inspection. It was shown them the whole farm, and they expressed great admiration for what they saw, especially for the mill. The animals were weeding the turnip field. They worked carefully, almost without daring to lift his head from the ground, not knowing if they had more fear of pigs or human visitors. That evening

high laughter and song came out of the house, and all of a sudden, heard all those voices, the animals find themselves caught by curiosity. That what was going on in there, now that for the first time animals and men meet on a footing of equality? In one accord, they began to creep silently into the garden of the farmhouse. At the gate they stopped doubting whether to go or not. But Berta opened the road. On tiptoe since they took at home and those that were high enough spied through the window of the dining room. There, around the long table, sat half a dozen farmers and half a dozen or more eminent pigs. Napoleon occupied the place of honor at the head of the table. The pigs appeared completely at ease on the chairs. The company was playing a game of cards, temporarily suspended, apparently a toast. Circulated a great pitcher and glasses were filled with beer. No one noticed the stunned faces of the animals watched from the window.

Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood stood up, holding the glass. In a moment, he said, he would ask the company to make a toast, but before he felt a duty to say a few words. It was a great satisfaction for him, he said - and he was sure, for all the others - to hear that the long period of mistrust and misunderstanding was over. There was a time - not that he or any of those present had shared such sentiments - but there was a time when the respected proprietors of Animal Farm had been looked at, not with hostility, but perhaps with some suspicion by the men of the neighborhood. There were unfortunate incidents, there had been misunderstandings. He felt that the existence of a farm holding and ruled by pigs was something abnormal and could have an evil effect on the neighborhood. Too many farmers believed, without any proof that the spirit that dominated farm license and indiscipline. They were worried about the effect it could have on their animals and even humans on their employees.

But all doubt was now dispelled. That day he and his friends had visited Animal Farm, they had inspected every inch with his own eyes, and what he found? Not only the most modern methods, but a discipline and order to pose as an example for farmers everywhere. Believed he could tell why the lower animals of Animal Farm did more work and received less food for all animals in the county. In reality he and his friends that day visitors had observed many things that just wanted to introduce into their farms.

He closed his peroration, he said, further enhancing the friendly feelings that existed and should exist between Animal Farm and its neighbors. Of pigs and men there was not and should not be any conflict of interest. Their struggles and their difficulties were one. It was not the problem of work the same everywhere? Here it seemed that Mr. Pilkington was about to launch some well prepared witticism on the company, but for the moment was too overwhelmed by the pleasure to be able to pronounce. After a lot of coughing during which time his numerous instruments were made of embers, he managed to put out: "If you have your lower animals to contend against," he said "we have our lower classes." This bon mot he burst out laughing the whole table, and again congratulated Mr. Pilkington with pigs given ration scarce, long working hours and the general lack of redundancy that was observed in the Animal Farm.

And now, finally said, asking the company to raise your leg and make sure that the cup was full.

"Gentlemen," concluded Mr. Pilkington, "gentlemen, I toast to you and to the prosperity of Animal Farm,"

enthusiastic applause followed and beat feet. Napoleon was so pleased that he rose from his seat and went around the table to come and touch her glass with that of Mr. Pilkington's before emptying. When the applause subsided, Napoleon, who had remained standing, he announced that he had a few words to say.

Like all of Napoleon's speeches, this one was brief and explicit. He, too, said he was happy that the period of misunderstanding was over. For many years, was racing entries - put into circulation, had reason to believe, by some malignant enemy - that the directives of him and his colleagues clothed something subversive and revolutionary, had been accused of provoking rebellion among the animals of the nearby farms. Nothing could be further from the truth! Their sole wish, now and in the past, was to live in peace and good and normal relations with all neighbors. This farm had the honor of control, he added, was a kind of cooperative enterprise. The actions that were in his possession were the common property of the pigs.

He did not believe he said, that some of the old suspicions continue to exist, but some changes recently introduced in the customs of the farm, must have the effect of promoting an even greater confidence. Until then, the farm animals avevano avuto la sciocca abitudine di chiamarsi l'un l'altro "compagni". Ciò doveva aver termine. C'era anche stato lo strano costume, la cui origine era sconosciuta, di sfilare la domenica mattina davanti al teschio di un verro posto su un ceppo nel giardino. Questo pure sarebbe stato abolito, e già il teschio era stato sepolto. I suoi visitatori avevano certo visto la bandiera verde spiegata in cima all'asta e avevano forse notato che lo zoccolo e il corno dipinti in bianco, di cui prima era fregiata, erano scomparsi. La bandiera, d'ora innanzi, sarebbe stata verde soltanto. Egli aveva solo una critica, disse, da fare all'eccellente e amichevole discorso del signor Pilkington. In esso il signor Pilkington si era sempre riferito alla "Fattoria Animal. "She could not know, of course - and he, Napoleon, it announced today for the first time - that the name" Animal Farm "had been abolished. Since then the farm would be restored" Manor Farm ", namely that , he believed, was his real name of origin.

"Gentlemen," concluded Napoleon, "will repeat the toast before, but in different form. Fill your glasses to the brim. Gentlemen, here's my toast to the prosperity of Manor Farm, "

As before, there were applause and the glasses were emptied to the bottom. But as the animals outside staring at the scene, it seemed to them that something strange was happening. What what was changed in the faces of the pigs? Eyes after Berta went from one to another snout. Some minds were five, four, three. But what was it that seemed to dissolve and transform? Then, the applause ended, the company resumed the cards and continued the game stopped, and animals silently withdrew. But they had no way

twenty yards that stopped abruptly. A clamor of voices came from the farmhouse. They rushed back and again looked out the window. Yes, a violent quarrel broke out. There were shouts, shots vibrated on the table, sharp suspicious glances, furious protests. The commotion seemed to have been caused by the fact that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had simultaneously and each played an ace of spades.

Twelve angry voices rose, and all were similar. It was no wonder now what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, from man to pig and from pig to man again, but already it was impossible for them to distinguish between the two. The split of the hoof

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wedding Seating Template For Round Tables

the balls

Take the samba rhythms of your piano Bontempi, add some synths taken ill, under a viados and you'll get an evening with nodossissima Hercules & Love Affaris . Oh well now does not offer you anything any more, but we try not to go to Brooklyn to take band scuffed, there are too many of us, if you like.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fun Titles For Birthday Party

Death of a Salesman provocateur

Unfortunately, I realized a few years later that you were more of the dummy of the south Italian PRMI 90s and I started to really follow you when you kept on the local networks. I quote your own phrase so often that re-contextualizes depending on the situation, the masses away from where you said that if one likes to smoke must do so without remorse because it is better to live a little less but without depriving oneself of pleasures. Sentence then ritrattasti by the 5th pass, but so I do not smoke. The important thing was the message is not its object. What
then the local dimension not gave you more freedom? Whether we're back to do on RAI 1 in prime time? You know perfectly well how these things go. Okay
sciao Gianfri, wake.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Free Webcam Drivers Hyundai Corporation

I surround myself with people gggiusta

I invite all my best friends to throw down my profiletto be included in a press-kit, so for me to know a little in around.

Logo e protagonisti

Friday, July 4, 2008

Alicia Loren Breastfeeding

Orwell - Animal Farm - Chapter 9

Gondrano was long in healing. They had begun to rebuild the mill the day after the closing celebrations of the victory. Gondrano refused to even take a day off and made a point of honor not to see her suffering. In the evening, Berta said in confidence to the base that gave him much trouble. Berta took care of the wound with a poultice of herbs that it was preparing chewing, and both she and Benjamin urged the Gondrano to work less. "A horse's lungs do not last forever," he said Berta. But Gondrano not listen to her. He still had one ambition, he said, see the windmill well under way before reaching the age limit.

From the beginning, when the laws of Animal Farm had been made, the age limit for horses and pigs were fixed at twelve, fourteen cows, nine dogs, seven sheep and five chickens and geese. They had also been approved large pensions for old age.

No animal was until then retired, but recently the topic was still very much debated. Now that the small field beyond the orchard had been made with barley, it was said that a corner of the large pasture was enclosed by a fence and the animals' elderly. For a horse, it was said, the pension would be five pounds of grain per day, and, in winter, fifteen pounds of hay with a carrot or possibly an apple on public holidays. The twelve years of Gondrano fell in late summer the following year.

Meanwhile life was hard. The winter was hard as it had been the previous one, and the food was even scarcer. Once again all rations were reduced, except those of pigs and dogs. A too rigid equality in rations, Clarinet explained, would not be the principles of the animal. In any case, he had no difficulty in proving to other animals that, despite appearances, actually they were not suffering from food shortages. For the time being, of course, had found it necessary to come to a new rationing (Clarinet always spoke of "rationing", never "reduction"), but compared to the time Jones was vastly better. Reading the numbers in a voice quick and sharp, minutely show them that they had more oats, more hay, more turnips than it did when Jones, who worked fewer hours, better quality drinking water, living longer, that there was a rather lower infant mortality, which had more straw for their bed and suffered less for fleas. The animals believed every word. Indeed, Jones and all that concerned him was almost entirely disappeared from memory. They knew that their present life was miserable and bitter, which often were hungry and cold and not sleeping when they were always at work. But, without doubt, must have been worse in the old days. They were happy to believe so. Also, you were slaves and were now free, and here was all the difference, as Clarinet never failed to detect.

Now there were many more mouths to feed. In the autumn the four sows had given birth at the same time, giving birth, among all, thirty-one piglets. The pigs were piebald, and Napoleon was poié the single boar on the farm, it was easy to see fatherhood. It was announced that later, when bricks and timber were purchased, would have built a school in the garden of the farmhouse. Meanwhile, the piglets received their education by Napoleon himself in the kitchen of the house. They practiced in the garden, and were discouraged from playing with other young animals. At about this time was also sets the rule that when a pig and any other animal met on the way, the other animal must stand aside: and also that all pigs at any level should have the privilege of bringing a Sunday green ribbon on the tail. The farm had a vintage fair, but there was always a shortage of money. We had buy bricks, sand and lime for the school and would have to make other savings for the purchase of machinery for the mill. Then it was necessary to lamp oil and candles for the house, sugar for Napoleon's private canteen (forbade the other animals and sugar would make them gain weight), in addition to the usual supplies of tools, nails, rope, coal, iron wire, scrap metal and biscuits for dogs. A sheaf of hay and part of the potato crop were sold and the contract for eggs was increased to six hundred a week, so that in that year the hens they laid eggs in numbers just sufficient to maintain the level. Rations, reduced in December, were further reduced in February and were prohibited lanterns in the stalls to save oil. But the pigs seemed quite well and in fact passarsela fatter. One day, at the end of February, a warm scent, delicious, appetizing, which the animals had never before heard, around the courtyard of the brewery from the time that Jones had fallen into disuse and was located behind the kitchen. Someone said it was the smell of cooked barley. The animals sniffed the air with hungry expression, and wondered if the hot mixture was preparing for their dinner. But there appeared no hot mixture and the following Sunday it was announced that the barley would be reserved only for pigs. The field beyond the orchard had already been sown with barley. And soon the news that any pig nosing now receives a daily pint of beer and half a gallon instead of Napoleon that was served in the Crown Derby soup tureen.

But the hardships that we had to endure were partly offset by the fact that life now had a rather more dignity than before. There were more songs, more speeches, more parades. Napoleon had commanded that once a week was held a so-called "spontaneous demonstration" whose purpose was to celebrate the struggles and triumphs of Animal Farm. At the appointed hour, the animals had to leave work and take a ride marched in military formation around the farm, the pigs were in the lead followed by the horses, then cows, then sheep and poultry last. The dogs flanked the deployment and at the head of all marched Napoleon's black cock. Gondrano Berta and held up a green flag with the hoof, horn and the caption "Long live Comrade Napoleon." Followed declamation of poetry, composed in honor of Napoleon's speeches and Clarinet, which gave details on recent increases in food production, and in certain circumstances was fired a rifle shot. The sheep were the most enthusiastic participants in the spontaneous demonstration, and if anyone complained (as some animals did when there were close to or pigs or dogs) to lose their time and to be exposed to cold at all, it was certain that the sheep the silences with their tremendous bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad. " But by and large the animals enjoyed these celebrations. Were comforting that they be recalled that, after all, were really their own masters and that the work they did was for their own benefit. So, with songs, marches, the figures for Clarinet, the roar of the gun, the shrill notes of the cock, the waving of the flag ended up forgetting, at least for some time that their stomach was empty.

In April, Animal Farm was proclaimed a republic and it was necessary to elect a president. There was only one candidate, Napoleon, who was elected unanimously. On the same day it was learned that other documents had been discovered that reveal new details about Snowball's complicity with Jones. Now appeared that Snowball had not only tried to lose the Battle of the tricks of the Closed Cows, like the animals had hitherto believed, but openly that he had fought alongside Jones. It was in fact that he had actually led the human forces and charged into battle shouting "Long live Humanity!"; Wounds on the back of Snowball, who only a few animals you have seen, had been inflicted by the teeth Napoleon.

A Midsummer Moses the raven suddenly reappeared on the farm after an absence of several years. It was not changed, still did not work and with the same enthusiasm as he spoke, as always, Mount Zuccherocandito. Perching on a tree stump, beating its wings and talked for hours to anyone who would listen. "Up there, comrades," he said solemnly, pointing to the sky his big mouth 'up there, just beyond the dark cloud that you see, there is the Monte Zuccherocandito, that happy country where the poor animals of their labors rest forever! "He claimed there was also one of its top flight and have seen the everlasting fields of clover and the linseed cake and lump sugar growing on the hedges. Many animals were providing the faith. Their lives now, he argued, was hunger and fatigue was not fair and unreasonable that a better world should exist somewhere else? A difficult thing to define was the attitude of the pigs towards Moses. They declared contemptuously that his stories about Monte Zuccherocandito were all lies, also allowed him to stay on the farm, not to work, and gave him a glass of beer a day. When the base was healed, Gondrano began to work harder than ever. Really struggled that year the animals as slaves. Besides the regular course of the farm and the reconstruction of the mill, there was a school for piglets that was begun in March. Sometimes, with insufficient food, long hours were hard to bear. Gondrano but never hesitated. In nothing I did or said there was no sign that his strength was not what was always was. Just his appearance had changed a little: his coat was not quite so bright and his hips seemed to have big contracts. The other said, "Gondrano will recover in the spring when the grass shall grow" but it was spring and Gondrano not fattening at all. Sometimes on the slope leading to the top of the quarry, when the muscles tended to the weight of a large boulder, it seemed that nothing kept him in the foot if not the will to go forward. Then he saw her lips form the words: "I will work more 'no's voice was left. Once again, Berta and Benjamin urged him to take care of his health, but Gondrano not listen to her. His twelfth birthday was approaching. He did not care of whatever happened, even a good supply of stone was accumulated at the mill. In a late summer evening a sudden voice that something had happened to Gondrano ran the farm. He had gone alone to drag a load of stones to the mill. Unfortunately, the voice was real. Moments later two pigeons came in rapid flight, with the news: "Gondrano has fallen! E 'lying on his side and he can not get up. " Half

farm ran the altitude where the mill once stood. There Gondrano lay between the shafts of the cart, his neck stretched out, unable even to lift his head. The eye was glassy and sides covered with sweat. A thin trickle of blood dripped from his mouth. Berta knelt beside him.

"Gondrano cried," how are you? "

" They are the lungs, "said Gondrano weakly.

"Never mind. I think you can finish the windmill without me. There is a good supply of stones in the reserve. In any case, I was only a month before me. Actually, I waited with great desire the time of my retirement. And perhaps, even poié Benjamin is getting old, allow him to retire with me and keep me company. "

" We must seek help immediately, "said Berta" What you hear someone run Clarinet to what has happened. "

All other animals immediately ran to the house to give the Clarinet news. Berta only remained, and Benjamin, that he lay down beside Gondrano and, without speaking, the flies away with the long tail. After about fifteen minutes Clarinet appeared, full of sympathy and solicitude. He said that Comrade Napoleon had learned with deep sorrow the tragedy befallen one of the most loyal workers on the farm and that he was already combining to send Gondrano care in hospital in Willingdon. In this story a sense of unease invaded animals. Unless Mollie and Snowball, no animal had ever left the farm and the thought of their sick comrade in the hands of humans disturbs them. But Clarinet soon convinced them that the veterinary surgeon in Willingdon could treat very Gondrano better than was possible at the farm. And half an hour later, when he was a little taken over Gondrano was made to stand up and accompanied to the barn where Bertha and Benjamin had prepared a good bed of straw. During the next two days Gondrano remained in the stable. The pigs had sent a large bottle of pink medicine which they had found a pharmacy in the cabinet of the bathroom, Berta and administered it to him twice a day, after meals. Laser lay next to him and spoke to him, while Benjamin kept the flies away. Gondrano said not to be sorry for what had happened. If you heal well could hope to live another three years and already looking forward to quiet days she would spend in the corner of large pasture. It would be the first time that he had time to study and improve his mind. It was his intention, he said, to devote the rest of his life to learning the remaining twenty-two letters of the alphabet. However

Benjamin and Bertha could stay with him until after working hours, and was in the middle of the day that the van came to take him away. The animals were all at work, intent on weeding turnips under the supervision of pigs, with amazement when they saw Benjamin come galloping from the direction of the buildings was as loud braying. It was the first time I saw Benjamin excited the first time I saw him gallop. "Hurry, hurry," cried. "Come now! Gondrano are stealing! " Without waiting for orders from the pig, the animals broke off work and rushed into the buildings. In the courtyard stood a large closed van, drawn by two horses in a van with inscriptions on the sides and a smart-looking man, wearing a peaked cap, seated on the box. And the place of Gondrano the barn was empty.

The animals crowded round the van. "Goodbye, Gondrano! Cried in chorus. "Farewell,"

"Crazy, crazy," shouted Benjamin jumping around and beating the ground with their hooves. "Fools! Do not you see what is written on the sides of the van? "The animals have stayed and there was a murmur. Muriel began to spell the words, but Benjamin pushed it aside and read from a dead silence, "" Alfred Simmons, Butcher Equine and manufacture of glues, Willingdon. Retailer of leather and bone. kennels supplies. Understand what this means? Gondrano lead to the slaughter. "

A cry of horror came from the chest of all animals. At that moment the man on the box whipped up his horses and the van left the yard in good trot. All animals followed a loud voice. Berta forced the pace to move forward. The truck gained speed. Bertha tried to move his heavy limbs at a gallop. "Gondrano" cried. "Gondrano! Gondrano! Gondrano, "and at that very moment, as if he felt the noise outside, the nose of Gondrano, with the white stripe that ran down his nose, appeared at the window on the back of the van.

"Gondrano" shouted Berta terrible voice. "Gondrano, come down! Come down soon! They take you to death! "All animals picked up the cry:" Come down, Gondrano, come down. " But the van was going faster and faster, taking him away with is. Gondrano was not sure he understood what he had said Berta. But shortly after his face disappeared from the window and the noise of a tremendous clatter was heard inside the van. He tried to kick a way out. There was a time when few strokes of the socket Gondrano have smashed the van. But, alas, strength had deserted him and in seconds the shots became more weak shall cease altogether. Desperate, the animals turned their appeals to the two horses that pulled the van, begging them to stop. "Comrades, comrades," they shouted. "It does not lead to death your brother!" But the stupid brutes, too ignorant to realize what was happening, did nothing but shake his ears and pick up the pace. Too late was the thought of someone running back and close the great gate, and a moment later the truck crossed the road and quickly disappeared. Gondrano was not seen again. Three days later it was announced that he had died in the hospital in Willingdon, in spite of all care that can provide a horse. Clarinet was that came to share the news to others. He said this was the last hours of Gondrano.

"It was the most moving thing I've ever seen," said Clarinet, lifting his paw and wiping away a tear. "Until the last moment I was beside his bed, the last, almost too weak to speak, he whispered in my ear that his only regret was to die before the mill was completed. "Forward, comrades!" she whispered. "Next in the name of the Revolution! Long live Animal Farm! Long live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right!" These were his last words, comrades. "

Here the attitude Clarinet changed suddenly. He paused for a moment, and his little eyes suspicious glances from side to side before proceeding.

He knew, he said, a voice so silly how bad it was running at the time of transport Gondrano. Some animals had noticed that the van carrying Gondrano bore the inscription "Butcher's Horse," and concluded that it had suffered Gondrano had been sent to the slaughterhouse. It was almost unbelievable, "said Clarinet, that there might be animals so foolish. Of course, he cried indignantly, wagging his tail and jumping here and there, sure they knew their beloved Chief, Comrade Napoleon. But the explanation was simple: the van was a time of owned by a butcher and was then bought by the veterinarian who had not yet done so to delete the old registration. That's how the error arose.

Animals at this explanation proved a great relief. Clarinet And when he went on to give the minute details of the deathbed of Gondrano, the loving care he received and expensive drugs that Napoleon had paid no expense spared, their last doubts disappeared and the pain I felt for the death of their companion was mitigated by the thought that at least he died happy.

Napoleon himself participated in the meeting the following Sunday and said a short prayer in honor of Gondrano. It was not possible, he said, return the remains of their late comrade buried on the farm, but he had ordered a large wreath made from the leaves of a bay tree in his garden, to be placed on the grave of the deceased. A few days later he was going to take a big pig funeral banquet in honor of the deceased. Napoleon ended his speech by recalling the two most favored by Gondrano: "I will work more" and "Comrade Napoleon is always right", especially, he said, that every animal should have adopted as their own.

the day appointed for the banquet, a grocer's van came to Willingdon from the farm to deliver a big box. That night we heard loud singing, followed by a roar as of altercation that ends at about eleven o'clock with a tremendous shattering of glass. No one moved into the farmhouse before noon the next day, and it was rumored that no one knows how, the pigs had earned enough money to buy another case of whiskey.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

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Sunday at 22:15 :
drrriiinn driiinnnn (anonymous call I miss that says "private number")
A - Hello?
Lady - Ready Yes! Hi
A - Good evening speaker?
S - Good evening, I call for ad
A - Ad? What ad?
S - Yes to the announcement of Expander
A -? However, no, no ad lady!
S - Why not? But it is for Expander ...
A - Good evening.

Monday morning at 8:30 am A suspicious phone call prefix Catania

and 9.30 am
A suspicious phone call prefix Belgian

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